HealthTrust Workforce Solutions is excited to announce an additional offering now available to our vendor partners. We will now offer candidates who are contracted at an HCA facility Red Cross Certifications for ALS, BLS, and PALS.
Some of the key advantages of using the offering:
- Cost savings on certification
- Streamlined process
- Skills completion at the facility in which they are contracted
The certification will be billed back monthly to the appropriate staffing partner at the following rate:
- ALS - $97.50
- BLS - $29.10
- PALS - $97.50
To request a certification, please click here. The first time you access the site, you will need to request access. The request will be responded to within 24 hours.
Students will receive the assignment for ALS, BLS, PALS from HWS Education to be completed in HealthStream. Also, students will schedule the skills validation through the facility, with the facility leader and/or educator.
The HealthStream curriculum component includes:
- hStream ID Creation
- Verify Profile Information
- Cognitive Course (six lessons, plus final exam passed at 84%)
- Cognitive Course Evaluation
- Resuscitation Skills Validation (completed at the facility on the interactive Manikin)
- Will need hStream ID to sign into skills
The courses contain a vast number of resources that are available to the student, such as a participant manual, treatment guidelines, skills sheets, glossary, bibliography and video demonstrations. All of the resources except for the video demonstrations can be both downloaded and printed by the student for later access.