Weekly HWS Trivia Question: Q3 Spotlight


Each Friday we will be sharing a new trivia question. The first person to correctly answer the question in the "Comments" section will receive HWS swag and other prizes!  

Previously we asked: "What is the first year that Thanksgiving was celebrated?" 

We're pleased to name Danielle Tarver (Supplemental Healthcare)

Danielle Tarveras our winner with her correct answer of "1621". When notified of her trivia win, Danielle exclaimed "I love HWS Swag! Our teams love our partnership with HWS!"

Thanks Danielle!

This week's question: "Which staffing partner was awarded "Highest Overall Performance" in the Q3 HWS Staffing Partner Excellence Spotlight?"

Please submit your answer in the Comment section below. We will announce the winner in an upcoming blog post. 


Topics: MSP, Trivia


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